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BIC case analyses win awards

english.bjinternetcourt.gov.cn | Updated: 2023-01-06


The Supreme People's Court (SPC) recently announced the list of outstanding case analyses of 2022. Four pieces from the Beijing Internet Court (BIC) were on the list, one receiving first prize, two for second, and one receiving the excellence award.

The first prize winners were Sun Mingxi and Mao Chunlian, for the infringement of personality right of a natural person's virtual image and the protection rules.

The second prize winners were Yu Hang and Liu Huichao, for the identification and protection of online virtual property ownership from the perspective of the Civil Code. Lu Zhengxin and Li Ke also won a second prize for the attribute identification of intelligently generated content by computer software.

The excellence award winners were Jiang Ying and Yan Jun, for the review of standards for B2C cross-border e-commerce jurisdiction format clause validity.

The case analysis solicitation has been hosted by the China Applied Jurisprudence Institute under the SPC for seven consecutive years. In 2022, a total of 4,838 pieces were submitted for evaluation, an increase of 27.58 percent over the 3,792 submissions in 2021. This year, 602 cases were awarded, including 20 first prizes, 116 second prizes, 223 third prizes and 243 excellence awards. Six high people's courts and 38 individuals were awarded as advanced units and individuals.