BIC’s upgraded copyright co-governance platform exhibited at 2022 CIFTIS
At the 2022 China International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS), which was held from Aug 31 to Sept 5 in Beijing, the Beijing Internet Court exhibited its latest achievements in copyright governance – the upgraded Tianping Blockchain docked with Copyright Chain.
Since its debut at the 2020 CIFTIS, the platform has gone through a series of upgrades and has won the BIC an award for outstanding reform and innovation performance that was granted by the Supreme People’s Court on Jan 18, 2022. BIC is the only grassroots-level court among all the people's courts nationwide to have won the award.
The "E-copyright" litigation-source co-governance model is a new model on digital copyright governance, which integrates a diversified co-governance operation mechanism, a non-litigation mechanism and the application of blockchain technology. As a key part of the model, the Tianping Blockchain-Copyright Chain co-governance platform is a highlight of the combined effects.
It has delivered judicial rules for judicial examination and right determination, and the authorization and protection of copyright, which has enhanced the efficiency and quality of electronic evidence determination. For copyright transaction authorization, the record is accurate and traceable at both chains.
The docking of BIC’s Tianping Chain with the Beijing Copyright Protection Center's Copyright Chain has broken the inconsistency between copyright registration information and judicial trial data, and has achieved the instant retrieval and verification of registration materials.
As of now, over 3 million digital copyright certificates have been issued from the copyright chain. When litigation occurs, litigants can instantly access related materials registered at the copyright chain of the BIC’s digital litigation platform.
The working of the double chains is conducive to formulating a copyright data element market with unified criteria and an open ecology, where creative individuals and enterprises, transaction platforms, internet platforms, consumers and rights protection service institutions will be empowered to contribute their parts.